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Yearly Archives: 2017

【Posted on Media】 “三角環形 – TrianglesRing” was introduced at “Smartphone Game Channel”

On April 24 (Monday), “三角環形 – TrianglesRing” was introduced at smartphone application introduction site “Smartphone Game Channel”! Tips on playing are described in detail so please check it! Thanks for “Smartphone Game Channel”! Introduction 三角環形 – TrianglesRingの攻略・アプリレポート Media Link Smartphone Game Channel

【Press Release】 Publication of “三角環形 – TrianglesRing”

A press release of Android application “三角環形 – TrianglesRing” has been released. Dear Media Representative PressRelease Application development team “海鳴りコンテンツ(Uminari Contents)” [Representative: Tadashi Saitoh] released the Android application “三角環形 – Triangles Ring” on April 19, 2017. 【三角環形 – TrianglesRing Landing page】 三角環形 – TrianglesRing 【GooglePlay Store Page】 ■Application information Regular Price:Free(Advertisement model) Genre:Game Sub …

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